Friday, August 8, 2014

Because You Can Never Get Enough Of Basketball....

Are you reading this article because you wish to get an edge on the basketball court? If so, then you're about to find out some very helpful information. Make sure you pay attention to the following advice so that you can make improvements to your style of play. Remember as well to always have fun!

For lightening fast dribbling, just like the pros, only use your finger tips on the ball. When you use all of your fingers, your dribbling will be much slower. Make this a part of your daily practice sessions until it becomes second nature to dribble with only the tips of your fingers.

Make sure you learn how to shoot free throws. There are usually a lot of distractions when you are shooting free throws so you need to concentrate. Use the following directions to perfect free throws and practice often. Start by holding your ball before your face. Keep looking towards the goal and think about the ball getting into that goal. Shoot the ball how you imagine it going in.

Never pass the ball and stand still. This is a mistake most often made by those new to the game of basketball. Once you've passed the ball, you need to work to get into the best position possible to be passed to again or to grab a rebound from a shot.

Jump naturally when shooting the ball. Do not overjump or else you will throw the ball's trajectory off course. Learn this technique by performing it in slow motion during your practice sessions. Jump vertically and do not release the ball until you are at the peak of your jump.

Using the information that has been discussed here, you should be able to see that your game has improved. You can't just expect to do it all at once, but of course you're going to have to practice. Keep trucking, and put in the time. You have to work hard at basketball in order to be good.

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