Sunday, May 17, 2015

Does Camping Appeal To You? Here's Some Helpful Hints For A Great Trip

Is camping something you'd like to do in the near future? No matter whether you just want to go for a day hike or spend weeks outdoors, you need to plan ahead. You will find helpful information below that will assist you in creating a camping plan that is both relaxing and fun.

Take only photos and leave only footprints. That is the rule of thumb when camping. Only use the natural resources that you need and do not leave any traces that you were camping when you leave. Pick up all trash, extinguish and cover any fire pits, bury all human waste, and make the area where you camped look exactly as it did when you found it.

Research any potential campground well. They all have different amenities. Some may have showers and bathrooms, while others may not. There are even a few campgrounds that are quite fancy, with onsite miniature golf games or water parks. You may not need or want all that, so figure it out ahead of time so that you are not disappointed when you get there.

A Frisbee makes for excellent support under paper plates, and can avoid the usual camping spillage and drops! Grab as many of them as you have around your home or yard, or pick up a few at your local dollar-type store. They conveniently stack for easy, space-saving packing and are tremendously helpful with little one's meals.

Be prepared for colder weather than expected when choosing a sleeping bag to bring on your camping trip. Always choose a sleeping bag rated for a temperature range just below what you're expecting, even in the summertime. Also, sleeping bags made with synthetic fibers will dry out faster if it rains unexpectedly, but natural fiber sleeping bags will be lighter to carry.

After reading this, you should be well prepared for planning your next camping trip. You should have noticed that many of the things that need to be planned for a week long stay must also be planned for the overnight adventure. Plan today for your next camping trip, and you will feel better knowing you prepared beforehand.